25 March 2009

clarity or truth

you think there is no need to measure fact

with solemn words or set out note by note

with clarity or truth since all's intact


within the bounds that you have to react

against the crime that set this world afloat

you think there is no need to measure fact


nor any purpose that is not attacked

by solemn legions so you must emote

with clarity or truth since all's intact


and no false signal could from this detract

nor any evil one have cause to gloat

you think there is no need to measure fact


but no proud demon was there when you cracked

nor was there any thing left to devote

with clarity or truth since all's intact


in this small world of the final impact

when we name he who wins the truest goat

you think there is not need to measure fact

with clarity or truth since all's intact

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