09 September 2008

some sort of kingship

it takes so long to find the proper place
no one would blame you if you thought us lost
these are not times of intellectual grace

a lack of honour's clear on every face
what's seen today is simply the first frost
it takes so long to find the proper  place

the power was given to those who debase
all that is good and never count the cost
these are not times of intellectual grace

the journey down the hill picks up its pace
while honesty and truth have both been tossed
it takes so long to find the proper place

we see the fool is wearing silk and lace
his calling card is fetchingly embossed
these are not times of intellectual grace

you fall at last into their dank embrace
gross lying words have all been smoothly glossed
it takes so long to find the proper place
these are not times of intellectual grace

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