01 May 2008

meditation on may day

(or, gil scott-heron got it wrong)

the revolution will be on the screen
we watch as crowds erupt into the square
the camera will catch each moving scene

a smiling pundit with her charming mien
will have some comment on the daily air
the revolution will be on the screen

we'll have a quick sight of some slim marine
whose mission and whose purpose are not clear
the camera will catch each moving scene

we'll note the many banners red and green
and wonder if the news reports are fair
the revolution will be on the screen

someone will tell us that it does not mean
the same thing as it did in a past year
the camera will catch each moving scene

the image and the colour will be clean
there is a magic that has to appear
the revolution will be on the screen
the camera will catch each moving scene

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