05 May 2006

Mia irmana fremosa

Mia irmana fremosa, treydes comigo
a la igreja de Vig' u é o mar salido:
E miraremos las ondas!

Mia irmana fremosa, treydes de grado
a la igreia de Vig'u éo mar levado:
E miraremos las ondas!

A la igreja de Vig' u é o mar salido,
e verra i mia madr’ e o meu amigo:
E miraremos las ondas!

A la igreja de Vig’, u é o mar levado,
e verra i mia madr’ e o meu amado:
E miraremos las ondas!

O sister fair, come haste with me

To Vigo church, the waves to see,

We will look upon the ocean waves

Fair sister mine, be fain to go

To Vigo church where the waves flow,

We will look upon the ocean waves.


To Vigo church where the waves beat,

There, mother mine, my love to meet,

We will look upon the ocean waves.

To Vigo church where breaks the foam,

There, mother mine, my love will come,

We will look upon the ocean, waves.

-- Martín Codax (13th century), translation Aubrey Bell

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