08 April 2008

after the kingdom's end

those who withhold their word have much to trust
so many silences will soon unfold
we let the gold and silver sink in dust

the gates and fences turn in time to rust
it is the normal weight of heat and cold
those who withhold their word have much to trust

a little honor left here to adjust
since each must do only what he is told
we let the gold and silver sink in dust

yet you had ordered us about and fussed
expected much and warned us to be bold
those who withhold their word have much to trust

we blame ourselves in our own disgust
at finding that we have been bought and sold
we let the gold and silver sink in dust

what's honest hides out beneath the crust
and will not vanish even when we're old
those who withhold their word have much to trust
we let the gold and silver sink in dust

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