31 December 2006

the world expects

the space constricts in absence of full light
nothing remains but what we can allow
each day's completed by the fall of night

too much of anything will lead to blight
we can't prevent it with a simple vow
the space constricts in absence of full light

doing the right thing requires more than might
we'd undertake it if we knew just how
each day's completed by the fall of night

upon our shoulders no wise bird will alight
nothing our senses overcome or wow
the space constricts in absence of full light

still do we seek to announce just what is right
we will not free the ox that pulls the plough
each day's completed by the fall of night

at noon we cannot see with fullest sight
our eyes seem dimmer underneath the brow
the space constricts in absence of full light
each day's completed by the fall of night

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