11 November 2006

some information

changes happens in no set order only change
an uncle dies the next week i become one
events occur at all points of the range

the thing that is not chosen or not done
could have occurred with just a small decision
each day there's something new under the sun

it's not a matter for laughter or derision
the fire's extinguished or else it is relit
such matters are not subject to misprision

we know they happen and we see how they fit
what we do now will move the butterfly
even if we have neither the sense nor wit

what makes things true is in some sense a lie
but that doesn't matter it has no impact
we face reality we're given reasons why

but still we can't tell fictions from plain fact
something that should not give rise to ire
it's the plain truth of simple human contact

the messages that still hum along the wire
in no way from our vision of life detract
we know that while we live we have the fire

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