07 November 2006

program frozen absence restored

the words are lost they meant something i know
they've gone to the great bit-bucket out in space
where all the dead things eventually must go

i seem to remember birds the water's flow
of scholarship and thought in a distant place
the words are lost they meant something i know

already vision seems to throb and glow
the sea has washed our footprints there's no trace
where all the dead things eventually must go

the traffic loudly passes it rains they all move slow
today i have no thought for the rat-race
the words are lost they meant something i know

the work continues the completed pile will grow
i'll get it done and let my thoughts surface
where all the dead things eventually must go

others will come they'll see our work and crow
their triumph as we stand with stony face
the words are lost they meant something i know
where all the dead things eventually must go

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