19 October 2006

not many nails to build a house

the devil in the details has to smile
between the rain and sun it waits
the road will twist and turn for a short while

the lies prevarications dishonesties pile
into grey forms of hard and brittle slates
the devil in the details has to smile

hurt by action and inaction we resile
avoiding thus we hope the harder fates
the road will twist and turn for a short while

whatever choice is made will be futile
this we believe while passion hesitates
the devil in the details has to smile

the rock itself turns friable or fissile
we seek but cannot find our journey mates
the road will twist and turn for a short while

we long for travel's end for the final mile
whatever it is that hard fate contemplates
the devil in the details has to smile
the road will twist and turn for a short while


Sally said...

"... the road will twist and turn ..."

In Jungian psychotherapy an analysand may have the 'journey' dream, which indicates their soul has recognised that, for them, the road is going to be longer. When others sit down to rest and never get up again, they carry on.

Rainer Maria Rilke wrote:

"... and, while the rest are helplessly bewailing,
recapture in the strokes of each assailing,
the rythmn of some stoniness within.
(Leishman's translation)

Thank you again.

FSJL said...

Thank you. I wasn't familiar with those lines of Rilke's. I should read him, I think. He sounds rather Nietzschean.