31 October 2010

unvirgin birth

there's no returning from the sacred ship

that bears each victim from from the eastern shore

far out to westward where the oceans pour

past the world's edge and over freedom's lip

into the void we move at such a clip

that in a moment we're at the new door

and none is ready to assess the score

add up the bill and work out the full tip

enough of images it's time to scold

those who wait patiently with their critique

but cannot see the beauty in the pain

of torment in harsh sun and twisting cold

that tears the strongest heart and turns it weak

nor can it find true healing in the rain

30 October 2010

in what good name

careful with the measure but still short

of what was needed to assure the mind

that we moved forward certain and not blind

grounded in reason never to abort

without good cause ours not the plan to thwart

but to complete the task we were assigned

tie up the knots and leave others to find

what judgment they would in the final court

instead we tread the boards in heady dance

uncertain of the beat and of the cure

while far above us scud the autumn clouds

driven by winds we know not ruled by chance

under a law that is far less than pure

that leads us all towards the cold grey shrouds

03 October 2010

no magic in the year

this is the year when each week brings more pain

we dread to hear the news since it must shock

there's death instead of healing in the rain

we heard your cry and knew it was in vain

no one would come not even to take stock

this is the year when each week brings more pain

there is no balance there's no even strain

the boat will sink after it leaves the dock

there's death instead of healing in the rain

we see the message and it is quite plain

the fates have gathered and they seem to mock

this is the year when each week brings more pain

the victim's due is to be killed again

at a set time as measured by the clock

there's death instead of healing in the rain

and never shelter that we could attain

since every hope we have turns out a crock

this is the year when each week brings more pain

there's death instead of healing in the rain